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Ternopil Regional Branch of the Fund for Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities

Attention employers!

The Ternopil Regional Branch of the Fund for the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities informs that on January 6, 2022, the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Protection of Social, Labor and Other Rights of Individuals, Including During Martial Law, and Simplifying the Registration of Workers places for persons with disabilities" dated 18.10.2022 No. 2682-IX, according to which the submission of a report on employment and employment of persons with disabilities (form No. 10-POI (annual) was canceled).

WARNING! The report on employment and employment of persons with disabilities form No. 1O-POI (annual) for 2022 shall not be submitted until March 1, 2023.

For enterprises, institutions, organizations, including enterprises, organizations of public associations of persons with disabilities, individuals who use hired labor, the norm of workplaces for employment of persons with disabilities is established in the amount of 4% of the average number of full-time employees of the accounting staff per year, and if 8 to 25 people work - in the amount of one workplace. Employers independently calculate the number of workplaces for employment of persons with disabilities in accordance with the standard. When calculating, the number of jobs is rounded to the nearest whole value.

Employment of persons with disabilities, for whom this place of work is the main one, is considered to be the fulfillment of the standard of workplaces.

Employers who did not ensure compliance with this standard in the previous year shall pay administrative and economic sanctions by April 15 of the year following the year in which the standard was violated to the territorial branch of the Social Protection Fund for Persons with Disabilities in the amount of the average annual salary at the relevant enterprise. In an institution, organization, including an enterprise, in an organization of public associations of persons with disabilities, in an individual who uses hired labor, for each workplace intended for the employment of a person with a disability and not occupied by a person with a disability. If 8 to 15 people work, the amount of administrative and economic sanctions for a workplace intended for the employment of a person with a disability and not occupied is determined in the amount of half of the average annual salary at the relevant enterprise.

For consultations, contact the following address: Ternopil, St. Hrushevskyi, 8 phone (0352) 521 181, 522267.

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