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The professional standard of the "Commissioner for anti-corruption activity", which was developed by specialists of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NACP), passed the procedure of approval by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and was entered into the Register of Qualifications.

"The approval of the professional standard will help create conditions for the development of the anti-corruption commissioner's profession. The document will enable managers to understand the functionality of the authorized persons, help organize their professional training and effectively plan their work. This is an important step, and NAKC will continue to work on strengthening the institution of commissioners," Serhii Derkach, head of the Department for Prevention and Detection of Corruption, said.

Professional standard describes in detail the following functionality of anti-corruption commissioners:

organization and control of anti-corruption activities in the organization;

coordination of anti-corruption activities in other bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations belonging to the sphere of management (if available);

informing and ensuring awareness of compliance with anti-corruption legislation among employees;

management of corruption risks in the organization's activities;

prevention of conflict of interests;

provision of declaration;

consideration of reports on violations of the requirements of anti-corruption legislation;

exercise of powers in the sphere of protection of whistleblowers.

The document also defines such professional competencies of anti-corruption commissioners as integrity, achieving results, analytical skills, communication and interaction.

Why is this important?

In the short term, the professional standard will have a positive effect on improving the quality of work of anti-corruption commissioners. After all, it not only defines the criteria for evaluating their work, but also declares the mandatory conditions for the high-quality performance of their work by anti-corruption commissioners.

In addition, the professional standard lays the foundation for the development of professional education of professionals in the field of anti-corruption. Based on the provisions of the standard, NAKC plans to initiate the development of a number of educational programs for the training of anti-corruption professionals in the public sector.

This will stimulate the development of the profession. Together with the appearance of the standard, not only the expertise of specialists will increase, but also their status and importance in the public sector will increase.

You can familiarize yourself with the professional standard by following the link - https://cutt.ly/rOKC6M1

             International Anti-Corruption Day ⸻ as a reason to change the country for the better

International Anti-Corruption Day is celebrated annually on December 9 at the initiative of the United Nations.

According to the decision of the UN General Assembly, since 2004, the International Anti-Corruption Day, declared by the UN General Assembly (Resolution No. A / RES / 58/4 of November 21, 2003), has been celebrated annually on December 9.

The UN Convention on Corruption was opened for signature on December 9, 2003 in Merida (Mexico).

It entered into force in December 2005 after its ratification by 30 countries. Ukraine ratified the convention on October 18, 2006.

To date, the Convention has been signed by about 140 states and ratified by about 80.

The purpose of the Convention is the prevention and eradication of corruption, the promotion and support of international cooperation and technical assistance in the prevention of corruption and the fight against it, in particular, the use of measures to recover assets.

This international agreement provides for measures to prevent corruption, punish the guilty, as well as mechanisms for international cooperation in the fight against it. It obliges member states to implement anti-corruption policies, approve relevant laws and establish special bodies to combat this phenomenon. The document obliges the countries that signed it to establish responsibility for corruption by law. Bribery, appropriation of budget funds and laundering of corruption proceeds are considered criminal. According to one of the provisions of the convention, it is necessary to return funds to the country from which they came as a result of corruption.

According to the UN Convention against Corruption (2003) and the Council of Europe Convention on Criminal Responsibility for Corruption (1999), corruption is the abuse of state power to obtain benefits for personal purposes, for the purposes of third parties and groups, as well as various forms of misappropriation of public funds. for private use. In addition, nepotism (nepotism, family ties) belongs to corruption phenomena.

The UN believes that corruption undermines economic development, weakens democratic institutions and the rule of law, disrupts public order and destroys public trust, thereby enabling organized crime, terrorism and other threats to human security to flourish.

The annual volume of bribes is estimated at one trillion dollars. The world economy loses another 2.6 trillion dollars due to corruption. These funds make up more than five percent of global GDP. According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), in developing countries, corruption-related losses exceed the amount of official development aid by 10 times.

Corruption is a serious crime that undermines socio-economic development in all societies.

No country, no region, no society is immune from corruption.

In accordance with the fourth part of Article 531 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption", the regional state administration provides conditions for reporting by its employees about violations of the requirements of this Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption", in particular. through a special phone line, official website, and electronic means of communication.

Employees of the regional state administration, within the limits of their authority and in accordance with the current legislation, take and implement measures to prevent violations of the law and ensure that the population is informed about the activities of the regional state administration.

In addition, the regional state administration already traditionally participates in events aimed at discussing the current anti-corruption legislation, developing a sustainable practice of its application, as well as its improvement


For the World Anti-Corruption Day, we bring to your attention the column:

"Nine interesting facts about the fight against corruption in the world."

Interesting fact #1.

The least corrupt countries in the world are: Denmark, Finland, Sweden and New Zealand.

Interesting fact # 2.

According to the World Bank, every year in the world bribes are given in the amount of one trillion US dollars. For comparison, the US budget for 2017 is $1.1 trillion.

Interesting fact #3.

One in four people in the world paid a bribe in the last 12 months.

Interesting fact #4.

The experience of fighting corruption in Germany and Slovakia shows the effectiveness of involving the public in the fight against corruption. In particular, the criminal police department of the federal state of Lower Saxony introduced the reception of anonymous reports from citizens about economic crimes. In four months, this special unit, which consists of 9 employees of the prosecutor's office and 33 police officers, received 184 reports. Criminal cases were opened in 124 cases, of which 30% related to corruption cases.

Interesting fact #5.

According to research, countries with autocratic regimes are more corrupt than developed democracies.

Interesting fact #6.

Research by the World Bank shows that the fight against corruption increases government revenues four times in the long run, and businesses can grow three percent faster.

Interesting fact #7.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that drugs and pharmaceutical products worth a total of $12.5 billion have been stolen or "lost" through bribery, corruption and fraud.

Interesting fact #8.

Corrupt actions in the education sector in Europe and the USA are considered not only bribery, but also falsification, fraud, distortion of information, various violations of professional ethics (including sexual harassment), violation of contractual conditions, unmotivated expenses, as well as nepotism.

Interesting fact # 9.

Ten tools to fight corruption from the World Bank.

1. Corruption is not just bribery: people, especially the poor, suffer when resources are wasted. This is why it is so important to understand the different types of corruption in order to develop adequate responses.

2. The power of the people: to create ways that will give citizens the appropriate tools to engage and participate in governance - to identify priorities, problems and find solutions.

3. Reduce bureaucratization of processes: combine formal and informal processes to change behavior and monitor progress.

4. Use the latest technologies to build dynamic and ongoing exchanges between key stakeholders: government, citizens, business, civil society groups, mass media, academia, etc.

5. Constantly improve the system of providing public services, where it is necessary to combine old and new models.

6. Support and coordinate anti-corruption measures with market and social forces.

7. Sanctions matter: punishment for corruption is the most important component of any effective anti-corruption initiative.

8. To support citizens in combating corruption at the local, national, international and global levels - in accordance with the scale.

9. Attract international assistance, determine ways of using international resources to support the anti-corruption fight.

10. The implementation of any strategy must be constantly monitored and evaluated to ensure that it is relevant to the current situation.

We invite you to discuss the project of the Anti-Corruption Program of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration

for 2023–2025

The anti-corruption program of the Ternopil regional military administration is a document, the implementation of which contributes to the formation of a negative attitude of employees of the regional military administration towards corruption.

We invite representatives of public organizations to discuss the project of the Anti-corruption program of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration for 2023-2025, aimed at ensuring compliance with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation, identifying corruption risks and reducing their impact on the administration's activities, creating effective mechanisms for preventing corruption, conflicts of interest and violations of ethical standards behavior in the work of the administration.

Please send written comments and suggestions to the anti-corruption program project to the e-mail address of the sector for the prevention and detection of corruption of the apparatus of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration: anticortoda@te.gov.ua, until March 28, 2023.

When will the discussion take place?

March 29, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. in Zoom format.

How to participate in the discussion?

To join the discussion, send an email to anticortoda@te.gov.ua:

  • full name;
  • a summary or explanation, presented in an arbitrary form, about experience in anti-corruption activities;
  • comments and suggestions to the draft Anti-corruption program (if available).

If you have additional questions about participating in the discussion, you can call 52-32-82.

Materials for review:

Draft order of the head of the regional military administration.pdf;

Project of the Anti-Corruption Program of the Regional Military Administration for 2023-2025.pdf;

Addition 1.pdf;

Addition 2.xlsx;

Addition 3.pdf.

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